Baby Grubbs

Gracie's First Moments

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I've been a little busy...

It has been a long time since I posted anything so here is a quick update:
My due date was the 11th, but Gracie didn't know that. Every prenatal visit was the same....nothing was happening. Finally, they induced labor on Tuesday, September 16. We went in at about 4 in the morning and I was already a 3! I got so excited because they hadn't even started the pitocin yet. They did some blood work, started my pitocin drip, and then Jared and I went back to sleep. I woke up around 8:30 and Marilyn came at about 9. Nothing super exciting was happening, we were just watching TV. My mom and Jason came at about 10:30 and hung out in our room. My contractions were getting worse because they kept turing up the pitocin drip. I got my epidural around 11. Jared was getting a little stir crazy, so he took Jason and they met Jerry for lunch. My mom and Marilyn stayed with me in the room. When Jared left, I was still only at a 4. Ho hum...but then right after he left, they checked me again and I was a 7! The nurse tolled me over to my side and said that that usually speeds things up a bit. Then she went to lunch. About 10 minutes later, I told Marilyn to go find someone because I was feeling a lot of pressure. A nurse came in and sure enough, I was having a baby! We were all frantically calling Jared but he wouldn't answer his phone. He finally came strolling in with lunch for his mom, he had no idea what was going on! Once we got Jared and Dr. Howell in there things went really fast. I'm not kidding. My mom and Marilyn went to the waiting room and told everyone that I was ready to push and about 15 minutes later Jared went out there to announce Gracie's arrival. He barely made it back in time! Jason was the first to come meet her, and then all our family came in. It was so wonderful! Thanks to all who came to visit and thank you for all the gifts and well wishes. We truly are blessed to have such great family and friends.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Busy time of year...

Our 6 year anniversary was this weekend, so we went downtown and ate at PF Chang's. Mmmm....It was fantastic. Every pregnant girl should go there.

Speaking of pregnant girls, Nicole's baby shower was this weekend. There were 4, yes 4, of us that are pregnant! Aren't we fabulous? Maegan is due at the end of August, Nicole is due at the end of October, I am due at the beginning of September, and Kacie is due in November. The best part is that we are all having GIRLS! I see some tea parties in our futures...

My friend Miranda just had her baby this week and she is beautiful. Her name is Brinnley and she has a full head of hair already.

In other news, I am starting to work in my new classroom this week. It is going to be so cool! I am really looking forward to working at North Joshua. I will be teaching 4th grade Science and Social Studies.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jason is really getting excited about Gracie. We went to visit Marilyn at work yesterday and he was telling everyone that he was going to have a little sister. It was so good to see him so excited about it. He has been great with his baby cousin Elizabeth. We went with them to the doctor yesterday for her '3 week old' appointment and she has gained a pound and and inch!

My appointment last Friday went well. The doctor says I'm right on schedule. I go again next Friday and then I start going once a week! It is getting close!

Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm an Aunt!

2 weeks ago today, I became an aunt. It is so fun! Roy and Victoria were blessed with a baby girl on July 7. Elizabeth Ann weighed in at 5 pounds 7 ounces. She wasn't expected to be here until July 23rd, but it was a nice surprise! Victoria and Elizabeth are both doing great. They come over and visit Jason and me sometimes and he LOVES her. I am so happy that he was at the hospital for Elizabeth's birth and has been around her so much. I'm hoping it will help him when Gracie gets here. We'll see in about 8 weeks...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

What a week!

Last Saturday, we got our first glimpse of Gracie's face. I can already tell that she will be adorable. It was such a great experience having the whole family there to see her for the first time. She was a little camera shy, but after 2 sessions, we finally got some face shots. We saw a couple little smiles and some long eyelashes.

Right after the sonogram; Jared, Jason, and I set out on our trip to Galveston. Jason was so excited to see the beach! We had a great time at Moody Gardens seeing all the cool animals and the 4D movie. We loved hanging out at the beach! Jason had his first boogie board lesson from a seasoned pro, his daddy. We also explored the beach and found some crabs, it was so cool! We went on a boat tour of the harbor and saw some dolphins. It was a great vacation!

Friday, May 9, 2008

It's a GIRL!

We found out that we will be having a baby girl and we couldn't be more excited. Those that know the Grubbs' family tree know how cool this is. There has not been a girl born to a Grubbs in a very long time, so we are making history! Jason was able to go with us and see his baby sister on his birthday, it was a very cool moment when he was able to hear her heartbeat and count her toes...
I have already found bedding that I love. Her room will be decorated with ladybugs! The pictures online don't do it justice, so I will just tell you about it. It has all my favorite things: black gingham, green with white polka dots, red flowers, and ladybugs! It is simple and adorable.
We are 22 weeks along now and I am feeling great! My belly is growing a little bit every day (especially after lunch). The baby is about 11 inches long now and almost weighs one pound! Our next visit is May 22nd.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Another Visit...

We went for another doctor visit last week and everything is still great! I scheduled my ultrasound for April 24, Jason's birthday! Make sure you vote because there are only 3 weeks until we find out what we are having! Jason thinks it is a sister...
I am really starting to show. I am almost fully dependent on my growing maternity wardrobe and loving every minute.
I've learned that my baby can hear us now, so Jason and I sing to the baby just about every night. Jason even asked the baby what it wanted for dinner the other night. With the way he talks, the baby will know his voice for sure!